BDO is an accountancy and business advisory firm focusing on entrepreneurial and owner-managed businesses.

Magnet Plus are helping BDO to:

Make impressive savings

  • €25,000 on PBX outlay costs
  • Its dedicated broadband line is 50% cheaper than competitors
  • Combined phone and broadband bill is 15% less than previous bill
  • Overall telecoms costs have been reduced by 30%

Improve its IT infrastructure

  • Increased BDO’s bandwidth and provides a reliable and innovative service, tailored to fit their needs
  • Unique voicemail translation and phone in features mean improved staff productivity


BDO were using a 2Mb contended connection for their broadband connectivity, which was adequate for browsing and emails but inhibited them from taking advantage of the online productivity tools such Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and cloud applications. The service was also prone to periods of disconnection.

IT Manager, Anthony Ryan, instigated a search for a replacement service that would both improve the quality of broadband connectivity as well as giving BDO the option to explore cost-saving technologies such as IP telephony.


BDO researched t a number of telecoms companies and found Magnet to be the best option in terms of cost, speed and reliability.

“We received quotes from Eircom and BT that were incredibly expensive. Magnet Business quoted 50% less for 2Mb symmetric service, meaning the same speeds up and down – like a leased line- but without the high costs.”

To ensure quality and stability, BDO required a dedicated broadband line, which Magnet provided. As a dedicated line, the speed is consistently fast, which meant emailing, web browsing and remote access to files became much faster: “The steady and faster speeds mean considerable workflow and productivity improvements. The installation was painless so there was no disruption to our working day on migrating.”


In 2009 BDO’s traditional PBX phone system was reaching the end of its natural life. The company was faced with a replacement bill in excess of €25,000 so they approached Magnet about their managed phone offerings.

As BDO were already using Magnet’s broadband product they realised they could save on call and installation costs with Magnet’s IP telephony service – Voicenet Gold.

“The line was already there and we had enough capacity to add voice but we chose to increase our subscription to 4Mb to allow for future growth in both voice and data capacity.”

BDO benefited from a number of immediate savings by choosing Magnet: “The on-site PBX was supplied free of charge for the duration of the contract, eliminating the capital expenditure and depreciation costs on a replacement PBX. Magnet handles the maintenance of the equipment giving us a single point of contact for all phone queries. Magnet also supplies software for the PBX, eliminating the need for additional outlay.”

“In all, we saved €25,000 before we made a single phone call with Magnet. This year we are making more calls and our bills are 15% less than with Eircom. We’re also getting broadband for the same costs on the same bill, so the savings are substantial”.

BDO also operated an office in Galway, which was in regular contact with the Limerick base. Calls to this office were free as it was on the same system: “The Galway office may as well have been down the corridor as they were reachable by extension numbers like any department here”.

The system also offers a range of features that enhance the work processes for staff:
“The voicemail feature is very popular here. You can dial into your mailbox externally from any other phone or you can have sound files of your voicemail emailed to you to check on your iPhone or laptop”.

“We’ve been very happy with the service also. Issues are rare but when they happen they’ve been dealt with quickly and effectively,” Ryan concludes.

Products used

Magnet Talk Prime
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Magnet Dedicated Internet Access
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