I get a "limited or no connectivity" message

When attempting to set up or make network connections on a Windows computer, you may encounter a Limited Or No Connectivity error message similar to the following:

Limited or no connectivity: The connection has limited or no connectivity. You might be unable to access the Internet or some network resources.

This message can result from any of several different technical glitches or configuration problems. Follow these steps to resolve Limited Or No Connectivity errors in Windows.

    1. If your computer connects to the network directly via the Magnet router, resetting (powering off and on) the router may resolve the issue. If not using a broadband router, or if resetting your router only temporarily resolves the issue and the error message re-appears later, continue to the following steps.
    2. If directly connected to your network using an Ethernet cable, your cable may have failed. Temporarily replace your network cable with a new one to determine whether this resolves the issue.
    3. If connecting to your network using Wi-Fi it may be that you are too far from the Wi-Fi Access point or there is interference affecting the signal from the Wi-Fi access point. Try moving closer to the Wi-Fi access point to get a better signal.
    4. If connecting to your network using Wi-Fi and using wireless security, your WEP or other security key may not be set properly. Check the wireless security configuration on your computer’s network adapter and update if it necessary. How do I get my Wi-Fi Password/WEP Key?