Preparing your hosting and FTP
Setting up hosting on your Shared Linux hosting package:
Step 1: Prepare the webspace:
-Select ‘All Domains’ from the subscription drop-down, top right
-Add the domain to the hosting under:
-Hosted Domains >> $DOMAINNAME >> Web >> Change Hosting
-If the domain is not listed here you can add it using ‘add registered domain’
-You can then select the hosting package and ensure the correct subscription number is selected.
Step2: Setup your FTP
-First, select the proper subscription in ‘Select Subscription at the top of the page (if this option is not visible, ignore this step)
-You can setup the FTP under:
-Websites >> $DOMAINNAME >> FTP access
– You will need the IP address which will be used as the host of ftp server in your ftp client, the ftp login name which can be referred to as username in some ftp clients
– You will also need the password which cannot be viewed so you will need to change it. It can be changed by clicking on the edit button and then ticking the box for Change Password. Finally click submit.
-Once the FTP has been setup, your hosting will be ready for upload.
– Typically with an ftp client once you have entered the host, username, password and port (always 21) and connected to the server.
– Once connected you will need to navigate to your root folder which will *usually* be:
/webspace/httpdocs/$DOMAINAME (where $DOMAINNAME is your actual domain name)
Eg /webspace/httpdocs/
-Type this path into remote site field (sometimes referred to as path/directory) and then drag and drop the website files you want into that directory.