In 2009 BDO’s traditional PBX phone system was reaching the end of its natural life. The company was faced with a replacement bill in excess of €25,000 so they approached Magnet about their managed phone offerings.
As BDO were already using Magnet’s broadband product they realised they could save on call and installation costs with Magnet’s IP telephony service.
Read MoreCARI is a charity called ‘Children at Risk in Ireland’ which employ psycho-therapists to work with children who are affected by child sexual abuse and to work with the non-offending carers in the child’s life. It is very important and difficult work where reliable communications is key.
Read MoreEstablished in 2004 and located in the heart of Dublin city, EGG Post Production & VFX employs world class talent working with cutting edge technology to deliver first rate television, film and visual effect experiences.
Read MoreFinnegan’s Farm is a fifth-generation farm situated in the heart of the Boyne Valley in Balrath, Navan, Co. Meath. The farm spans over 3,000 acres, including 450 acres of potatoes, 1,800 acres of cereal crop, 40 acres of brussels sprouts and 500 acres of grass land for their herd. On site they have 74 employees ranging between production operatives, supervisors, office staff and field operatives. The farm provides fresh vegetables for retail and also has a chilled convenient range for the retail shelf available in Dunnes Stores.
Read MoreGriffith College is Ireland's largest independent third level institution with locations in Dublin, Cork and Limerick. The college offers internationally recognised postgraduate and undergraduate degree programmes as well as a wide range of professional, short term and corporate training educational solutions. In 2019, Griffith College invested in Zoom technologies and experienced 'explosive growth' in videoconferencing among its student population. At that time, they could not have imagined what would happen in 2020, in terms of the shift towards virtual technologies especially for e-learning. Griffith College now holds almost 83,000 meetings, classes and exams online each year.
Read MoreHennelly Finance provides a one stop shop for financial services, including life cover, pension, savings and investments. Located in Galway, they also provide specialist advice for employers and their employees.
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